Cleaner, more efficient and low noise

Cleaner, more efficient and low noise

The Euro VI DAF/PACCAR MX-11 and -13 engines are ‘marine-ready’ and therefore
comply with all regulations. The IWW Stage V emission legislation has been more than fulfilled. Results compared to the previous generation CCR2 marine diesels: 98% less nitrogen oxides (NOx), 99% less soot (PM) and up to 20% lower fuel consumption (read CO2 emissions).

Cleaner, more efficient and low noise

Why use proven automotive technology to make an inland vessel more sustainable? Why not?! Automotive engines deliver optimum performance and the technology is based on a stable and proven track record.

The DAF/PACCAR Euro VI engine application for the inland navigation sector, which is available in capacities from 220 to 390 kW. The modern MX marine power sources offer the same DAF reliability as always and reduce the vibration and noise levels on board to an absolute minimum. The diesel engine and exhaust aftertreatment are so compact that even the repowering in existing, often small, engine rooms will be no problem. The extremely low fuel consumption and long maintenance intervals lead to a very short payback time. Consequently, the Euro VI engine costs less per operating hour than a comparable CCR2 engine.

Low fuel consumption

Low emissions

Low Total Cost of Ownership

Silent power

Compact design

Modular drive

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